Something Witty Goes Here:

Okay, so I’ll say this first because it hurts but guys, I’m not pregnant.  Whew.  Done.  IUI #6 = FAILED.   LOL.  ( Maybe not laughing that loudly, just a little bit.)  The only good thing about this is that I haven’t had too much time to sulk about it. I started yesterday, Tuesday, and had an appointment with my RE scheduled for today, Wednesday.  He planned this so that we could do a beta if I hadn’t started, or not waste any time discussing our new plan of attack. I am so excited about doing something different – FINALLY!

Our new strategy:

– have lab work drawn while in the office today:  TSH and T4 to check and make sure my hypothyroidism is still in check.  AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone) to make sure I have an egg reserve.  

– come in for an SHG ( Sonohystogram) next week!  An SHG is kind of like an ultrasound where they inject a liquid, probably normal saline into the cervix to view the uterine cavity.  My RE said that “sometimes” women can develop scarred tissue after a uterine septoplasty and this will give us an inside look to check things out.  My uterine septoplasty was back in October.

– take a break this month due to having just been on a medicated cycle with Clomid before starting Follitism in July

– as soon as I start next month, give the office a call and I will go in for a baseline ultrasound and get this party started!!!  I get a date with the dildo cam. 🙂

We have two more IUIs that insurance will pay for, hopefully one of the two will work with this new Follitism and trigger shot.  Mr. B and I have “kinda” talked about IVF but it is not likely because of the cost.  My place of employment donates $5000 for a round of IVF for employees but there is still that $7000-$10,000 left to pay for so I might apply for a grant for the rest, maybe we would have a higher chance at getting the grant if we had a little bit to put towards a grand total.  All of these things are a longshot.  

Alright then, that’s all for now.  Good luck to everyone out there on their TWW!
